
SENIORS PROGRAMSTania Schwer, DrPH, MPH, Senior Programs Director

Senior Programs provide information and community based programs designed to maintain health and assist residents aged 60+. For information on the following services, please call (815) 941-3121. * All services are for those aged 60 and above, and their caregivers. Grundy County offers a number of programs directed at preserving, protecting and promoting health for the senior citizens of Grundy County. If you need further assistance, please contact the Senior’s Division at (815) 941-3121.  For inquires, comments, questions, or concerns, please email the front desk and please include your name, phone number, and brief message.

Additional Links of interest:Illinois Department of Aging –

Age Guide Northeastern Illinois –

The Outreach Program is designed to seek out seniors who are not aware of the services provided by the health department. Staff in this program work hard to inform the public of our services by providing educational classes, attending health fairs, making presentations before local community groups, and making home visits to distribute information on our services.

For more information on the following services please call (815) 941-3121

  • Home Delivered Meals
  • Community Care Program

Visit the National Council on the Aging website. It provides help for senior citizens and their families to find information about state and federal benefits. Visit Benefits Checkup –
Information Assistance and Referral (815) 941-3121
Provides information to seniors, their families and other community agencies on how to access programs, services and benefits available to older individuals. Information and assistance is available for Medicare, Medicaid, Benefit Access,and Senior Health Insurance Program (SHIP). These services are available at no cost.
Community Care Program (CCP)
On-staff care coordinators are available to provide consultations to assess an individual’s need, review service options, and develop a plan of care, free of charge- if eligible.  This program can also assist Seniors with basic household tasks and (for older persons who are moderately impaired), supervising: personal grooming and bathing.  These particular services are provided by an agency other than the health department.
Choices for Care
Caregiver Resources
You may be providing care to a person aged 60 or over. We can help! We can offer information and assistance to connect caregivers to service agencies that can help. 
Other Resources
The National Council on the Aging created BenefitsCheckUp to help older adults quickly identify programs that may improve the quality of their lives. Family and friends can also obtain facts about benefits that their loved ones may qualify for. Visit Benefits Checkup
Home Delivered Meals

Arranges home delivered meals for homebound seniors who are unable to shop, prepare meals, or attend a Senior Dining Center. After meals begin, a Care Coordinator from the Senior Programs Division makes a home visit (by appointment) to confirm eligibility and provide information on additional resources. To be eligible you must be homebound and have difficulty preparing meals. Income and assets are not considered when determining edibility, but a donation towards to cost of the meal is requested.