Planning and Zoning Office

GOALTo provide current and future Grundy County residents with a plan that will protect our natural resources, balance growth, provide transportation plan that will meet the changing population and provide economic growth opportunities for industrial and commercial users.

ABOUTThe Planning and Zoning Office provides staff support to the Zoning Board of Appeals, Land Use Committee and County Board.

The Zoning Board of Appeals provides Public Hearings for Map Amendments, Subdivision Plats, Special Uses, Text Amendments, and Variances.

All Map Amendments, Subdivision Plats, Special Uses, and Text Amendments are recommended by the Zoning Board of Appeals to the Land Use Committee and the County Board.

The Land Use Committee reviews the Public Hearing recommendation from the Zoning Board of Appeals and also recommends to the County Board for final action.

Variances are approved or denied by the Zoning Board of Appeals during their Public Hearing.

Planning and Zoning Office
2024 Land Use Calendar
Special Use/Map Amendment/Text Amendment Flow Chart
Variance Flowchart
Process for Preliminary and Final Plats