State's Attorney Facility Dog

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Meet BunkerBunkerProfile-980x934 - CopyBunker

State’s Attorney’s Facility Dog
Bunker’s main job is to comfort victims and witnesses as they go through the court process. He is available to be involved in any meeting the victim or witness may need to attend and can provide comfort before and after hearings as well. Bunker also provides comfort to children who participate in Victim Sensitive Interviews at the Children’s Advocacy Center. Once a week, Bunker also visits the participants in the alternative treatment court programs before they enter into the courtroom.

If you see Bunker out at the Courthouse, feel free to ask to pet him and say hello!

For all inquiries regarding Bunker, please contact Sydney Bartels, Victim/Witness Services Coordinator at (815)941-3279 or

The Grundy County State’s Attorney’s Office has a certified facility dog named Bunker. Bunker is a golden retriever and yellow labrador mix who was born on January 31, 2022. He was trained by Paws Giving Independence – a nonprofit in Peoria, Illinois. Bunker went through the same training as a service dog would, but loved cuddles a little too much so he became a facility dog instead. Paws Giving Independence is an Assistance Dogs International (ADI) accredited organization who provides service dogs and facility dogs to qualifying individuals. Bunker graduated from his training with Paws Giving Independence on November 21, 2023. He was sworn in by Judge Scott Belt on November 29, 2023 as the Grundy County State’s Attorney’s first facility dog.

At the end of each day, he gets to go home with his handler and mom, Sydney Bartels (Victim/Witness Services Coordinator). When Bunker is not at work, he gets to be an ordinary dog. As soon as he takes his vest and leash off, he knows he is off duty and gets to run outside. He loves playing fetch, chewing on bones, and getting head scratches. His favorite time of day is when he gets to eat. His favorite trick to do is spin – which he does every day before breakfast and dinner.

Bunker’s Swearing In Ceremony
November 29, 2023

Oath Administrator – Judge Scott Belt
Handler – Sydney Bartels
State’s Attorney – Russell Baker

To view the video on Facebook click on the link below for the swearing in ceremony:
